Passed Around

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Passed Around

I think no one wanted to have me as their Valentine.

Nah. I'm not one of those single people who weep about their single blessedness or feel hatred during Singles Awareness Day Valentine's Day.

But I quite looked like being passed around today. On the 13th, my friend Claudine agreed to have dinner with me. Cathy would have joined us. But alas, that didn't push through.

So I messaged one of my best friends Maricar if she would like to catch a movie or grab a bite. She said yes, and that she was even willing to flee her dad. It was a date. As I was to leave school already, she said she cannot wait for me any longer. Ouch. We agreed to just catch a flick on the 15th. But I warned her she won't be receiving flowers anymore. Hehe.

So I'm stuck at school. Without a Valentine. (Why do I make it sound like this is such a weird thing, when it is actually the norm?) Luckily, the boys were there to save the night.

So there we were at the trusty Engwalk. Hot single young boys waiting for equally hot chicks to pick us up. All nine of us: me, Lex, Baldo, Leo, Wil, Mark, Asia, Patrick, and Renz.

There was a lot of great talk. And a lot of tasty revelations. It was a great appetizer for the coming night. Unfortunately, Patrick had a date to respond to. That traitor! The esteemed Singles Club is thereby revoking your membership.

Hungry from all the yapping and tired of waiting for girls to pick us up, we decided to move and invade McDonald's. Frank joined us, but Asia had to leave. I was not too sure, but he was wearing red and punching the walls minutes before he left. Go figure.

I learned that it was a sort of tradition for them to eat at McDonald's and just pour their hearts out. Leo and I got initiated. Yaahhooo! Woot! Woot!

Okay, seriously now. I had Valentine's dinner with the boys and I did not regret it a bit. We talked about everything. And it was not just trashy useless gibberish, it was an actual conversation. We talked about our frustrations: academics, women, and friendships. It was surprisingly serious but refreshingly funny.

Wil and Baldo had to unfortunately leave earlier, but we carried on til around 2230. Even though we have obvious differences in interests (read: DotA), I never felt out of place with the group. In fact, I really felt that I belong.

I always have fun with these guys. There is something about them that makes the conversation free-flowing, true, and surprisingly meaningful.

Remember the Tropical Hut dinner a year ago? Battered by summer classes, an uncooperating project, and a lunatic professor, we just poured it all out that night. I saw this dimension in them that I did not even think they had.

That was seriously one of the best nights I ever had. And this one too! You see, I'm a sucker for those poignant talks.

Riding the bus home, I saw the World Light Expo in its blinding glory. It was beeyootifool. I am definitely going there!

I actually felt sorry for my dad today. As my mom was still in the province caring for my grandma, my dad was left all alone this Valentine's. I'm guessing my sister had dinner with somebody, my brother was definitely with his girlfriend, and I was, well, with the boys.

My dad had actually prepared a lovely Chinese dinner for us. I got home at midnight, and saw the cold food, still untouched. It actually broke my heart. So I took a few spoonfuls. Still feeling guilty, I actually washed my dishes for the first time. I actually hope that I can make it up to him in some other ways. But that requires a separate post altogether.

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