World Light Expo, finally.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

World Light Expo, finally.

After weeks of salivating inside buses, I finally got to enter the World Light Expo at Coastal Road.

My family and I, plus my brother's girlfriend Rona, left the suburbs of Las Pinas a bit excited and eager. After a jolly feast at Burgoo in Mall of Asia, we made our way to the not-much-talked-about Expo.

We were lucky as we got in for only 200 bucks per person. I have always thought that original 300 bucks is way too much of a rip-off. I was surprised to find a number of people inside. I thought it would not get very crowded.

Is the 200 bucks worth it though? I couldn't really say. What I could tell is that it was amazingly colorful and uhm, pretty.

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They've got the exhibit-staple Eiffel Tower, of course.

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A video presentation with a water fountain as the screen was cool, original, and refreshing. Literally. The strong winds blew the water mist towards the audience. It's already summer, they might think. The video was followed by the now ubiquitous fireworks display. It was short and sweet, lasting for only less than five minutes.

But the real star of the World Light Expo for me is the meters-long dragon, made up hundreds, or even thousands, of plates.

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The site was so huge that my parents gave up after a few minutes. The place was also not paved and the soil could get your shoes dirty.

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There's not much to do inside actually. After getting wowed by the first dozen exhibits, the whole viewing experience becomes boring.

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We didn't even manage to see the other programmes, like some dancing and cultural presentations. We were all very tired we just wanted to go home.

But if you enjoy taking pictures and looking at these amazing light structures, then the World Light Expo might just be your cup of tea.

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